Graphic Recording at the Festival of Migration
The Festival of Migration took place in Edinburgh over a weekend in June. It was organised by Art27 Scotland with the aim of facilitating discussion of cultural rights within the context of migration and with the consultation on the Scottish Parliamentary Bill on Human Rights very much in mind.
"Migration has always been a part of our country's reality, and a driver of our nation's economic, social and cultural wealth. At the heart of this festival is a desire to make our world and our city peaceful, to respect the dignity of every person and to celebrate all cultural expression as the glue that binds us together to face an ever-uncertain future." (
The World Cafe event brought together over 50 people with a personal interest in cultural rights to discuss three key questions. Across the afternoon, participants mixed and mingled; there was a delicious spread of home-cooked food; the conversations were respectful and challenging, sometimes anecdotal and at other times philosophical. Helen's role was to capture the essence of these conversations, drawing out key themes and fusing ideas from different perspectives into a coherent picture.
The evening keynote speech was given by Alexandra Xanthaki, a UN Rapporteur on Cultural Rights. Helen listened in and captured her speech in live graphic form. The two graphics together can now be utilised to contribute to the parliamentary consultation.
"Helen you are so talented and perceptive. It is amazing and reflects really well what I wanted to say. Thank you." (Alexandra Xanthaki)
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