Graphic Recording at Capacity to Collaborate Conversation, Edinburgh
This event took place at the newly refurbished and repurposed Edinburgh Community Rehabilitation and Support Service. The day brought together a range of stakeholders from within the council, voluntary sector and people with lived experience and the focus was on how best to co-ordinate resources to enable adults with physical disabilities, hidden disabilities and long term-conditions to access rehabilitation and self-management opportunities.
One of the key activities on the day was a ‘Sit and Share’ facilitated session to discuss and share experiences of using and working in services pre and post pandemic. This session ran three times over the day. Helen was able to produce one graphic that recorded the conversations from all three sessions, layering the feedback and linking ideas together, so that it read as one coherent whole.
The graphic was then used to draw out key themes from the day, which were shared in a final plenary. This clearly highlighted the main strands for an action plan, once again demonstrating the power of graphic recording to enable groups to find clarity and consensus.

Tagged as: Event Facilitation, Graphic Recording
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