Fish+ in a Good Food Nation - Glasgow - January 2024
This event was hosted by Nourish Scotland, in partnership with Seafood Scotland, and brought together over 80 participants working acroos the fish, seafood and aquaculture industries. The diversity of voices and experiences in the room made for some very lively debate: everyone was there because of their personal and professional passion for this subject; everyone had a different kind of stake in the discussions; everyone was present with a desire to work collaboratively to find ways forward.
Pete Ritchie of Nourish faciliated the process of the day and invited Envision to co-facilitate on graphics. The graphic was essential to ensure that everyone was heard and all contributions were recorded. There was a lively discussion around the graphic throughout the day and it was instrumental in helping the group to find consensus, common ground and a shared action plan by the end of the session.
Tagged as: Event Facilitation, Graphic Facilitation
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