Sometimes it takes fresh eyes to point out what has been staring us in the face all along. 
At a recent conference in Dumfries, focusing on tourism in the South of Scotland (hashtag#ScotlandStartsHere) Bruce Fummey, Scottish historian and comedian, spoke with great humour and humility about this subject, reminding everyone to look again at what is there in front of them: Scotland’s great natural, historical and cultural assets. This theme was echoed by other speakers on that day - notably, Euan Jardine recalled a walk down a very familiar Jedburgh street and suddenly being struck anew by the stunning view of the castle (“There’s a castle in the street!”). 
The conference made me reflect on this theme in a more personal context. Why do we so often overlook our own unique assets? Do we undervalue them because we assume that if we have them, they are intrinsically less precious and less worthy of mention? We take them for granted. We strive for other things - skills and competencies which may not come naturally to us - perhaps we believe that if we have to work for them, they must surely be worth more. But in doing so, do we sometimes undervalue or overlook our other natural gifts and talents? 
This is one reason why feedback from others is so vital. It’s in that delicate loop of giving and receiving positive and developmental feedback that we are able to see in ourselves what is most valuable to others. 
As a facilitator, I frequently assist individuals and teams to reflect on gifts, talents, assets and resources - a pivotal stage in any development or planning process. 
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